Crate gstreamer_editing_services

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§gstreamer-rs pipeline status

GStreamer Editing Services bindings for Rust. Documentation can be found here.

NOTE: The GStreamer Editing Services API is not Thread Safe and before the 1.16 release this was not properly expressed in the code, leading to possible data unsafety even in the rust bindings. We strongly encourage you to run with GES >= 1.16.

These bindings are providing a safe API that can be used to interface with GStreamer, e.g. for writing GStreamer-based applications and GStreamer plugins.

The bindings are mostly autogenerated with gir based on the GObject-Introspection API metadata provided by the GStreamer project.

§Table of Contents

  1. Installation
    1. Linux/BSDs
    2. macOS
    3. Windows
  2. Getting Started
  3. License
  4. Contribution


To build the GStreamer bindings or anything depending on them, you need to have at least GStreamer 1.14 and gst-plugins-base 1.14 installed. In addition, some of the examples/tutorials require various GStreamer plugins to be available, which can be found in gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly and/or gst-libav.


You need to install the above mentioned packages with your distributions package manager, or build them from source.

On Debian/Ubuntu they can be installed with

$ apt-get install libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev \
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good \
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly \
      gstreamer1.0-libav libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev libges-1.0-dev

The minimum required version of the above libraries is >= 1.14. If you build the gstreamer-player sub-crate, or any of the examples that depend on gstreamer-player, you must ensure that in addition to the above packages, libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev is installed. See the Cargo.toml files for the full details,

$ apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-dev

Package names on other distributions should be similar. Please submit a pull request with instructions for yours.


You can install GStreamer and the plugins via Homebrew or by installing the binaries provided by the GStreamer project.

We recommend using the official GStreamer binaries over Homebrew, especially as GStreamer in Homebrew is currently broken.

§GStreamer Binaries

You need to download the two .pkg files from the GStreamer website and install them, e.g. gstreamer-1.0-1.20.4-universal.pkg and gstreamer-1.0-devel-1.20.4-universal.pkg.

After installation, you also need to set the PATH environment variable as follows

$ export PATH="/Library/Frameworks/GStreamer.framework/Versions/1.0/bin${PATH:+:$PATH}"

Also note that the pkg-config from GStreamer should be the first one in the PATH as other versions have all kinds of quirks that will cause problems.


Homebrew only installs various plugins if explicitly enabled, so some extra --with-* flags may be required.

$ brew install gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good \
      gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav gst-rtsp-server \
      gst-editing-services --with-orc --with-libogg --with-opus \
      --with-pango --with-theora --with-libvorbis --with-libvpx \

Make sure the version of these libraries is >= 1.14.


You can install GStreamer and the plugins via MSYS2 with pacman or by installing the binaries provided by the GStreamer project.

We recommend using the official GStreamer binaries over MSYS2.

§GStreamer Binaries

You need to download the two .msi files for your platform from the GStreamer website and install them, e.g. gstreamer-1.0-x86_64-1.20.4.msi and gstreamer-1.0-devel-x86_64-1.20.4.msi. Make sure to select the version that matches your Rust toolchain, i.e. MinGW or MSVC.

After installation set the ``PATH` environment variable as follows:

# For a UNIX-style shell:
$ export PATH="c:/gstreamer/1.0/msvc_x86_64/bin${PATH:+:$PATH}"

# For cmd.exe:
$ set PATH=C:\gstreamer\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin;%PATH%

Make sure to update the path to where you have actually installed GStreamer and for the corresponding toolchain.

Also note that the pkg-config.exe from GStreamer should be the first one in the PATH as other versions have all kinds of quirks that will cause problems.

§MSYS2 / pacman
$ pacman -S glib2-devel pkg-config \
      mingw-w64-x86_64-gstreamer mingw-w64-x86_64-gst-plugins-base \
      mingw-w64-x86_64-gst-plugins-good mingw-w64-x86_64-gst-plugins-bad \
      mingw-w64-x86_64-gst-plugins-ugly mingw-w64-x86_64-gst-libav \

Make sure the version of these libraries is >= 1.14.

Note that the version of pkg-config included in MSYS2 is known to have problems compiling GStreamer, so you may need to install another version. One option would be pkg-config-lite.

§Getting Started

The API reference can be found here, however it is only the Rust API reference and does not explain any of the concepts.

For getting started with GStreamer development, the best would be to follow the documentation on the GStreamer website, especially the Application Development Manual. While being C-centric, it explains all the fundamental concepts of GStreamer and the code examples should be relatively easily translatable to Rust. The API is basically the same, function/struct names are the same and everything is only more convenient (hopefully) and safer.

In addition there are tutorials on the GStreamer website. Many of them were ported to Rust already and the code can be found in the tutorials directory.

Some further examples for various aspects of GStreamer and how to use it from Rust can be found in the examples directory.

Various GStreamer plugins written in Rust can be found in the gst-plugins-rs repository.


gstreamer-rs and all crates contained in here are licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

at your option.

GStreamer itself is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or (at your option) any later version:


Any kinds of contributions are welcome as a pull request.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in gstreamer-rs by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.




  • A Asset in the GStreamer Editing Services represents a resources that can be used. In particular, any class that implements the Extractable interface may have some associated assets with a corresponding extractable-type, from which its objects can be extracted using AssetExt::extract(). Some examples would be Clip, Formatter and TrackElement.
  • Children Properties
  • Outputs a test audio stream using audiotestsrc. The default property values output silence. Useful for testing pipelines, or to fill gaps in an audio track.
  • A AudioTrack is a default audio Track, with a TrackType::AUDIO track-type and “audio/x-raw(ANY)” caps.
  • Implements
  • Children Properties
  • A BaseEffect is some operation that applies an effect to the data it receives.
  • BaseEffectClip-s are clips whose core elements are BaseEffect-s.
  • This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it.
  • This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it.
  • Clip-s are the core objects of a Layer. Each clip may exist in a single layer but may control several TrackElement-s that span several Track-s. A clip will ensure that all its children share the same start and duration in their tracks, which will match the start and duration of the clip itself. Therefore, changing the timing of the clip will change the timing of the children, and a change in the timing of a child will change the timing of the clip and subsequently all its siblings. As such, a clip can be treated as a singular object in its layer.
  • The UriClipAsset is a special Asset specilized in Clip. it is mostly used to get information about the TrackType-s the objects extracted from it can potentialy create TrackElement for.
  • Implements
  • A Container is a timeline element that controls other TimelineElement-s, which are its children. In particular, it is responsible for maintaining the relative start and duration times of its children. Therefore, if a container is temporally adjusted or moved to a new layer, it may accordingly adjust and move its children. Similarly, a change in one of its children may prompt the parent to correspondingly change its siblings.
  • Properties
  • Any GStreamer filter can be used as effects in GES. The only restriction we have is that effects element should have a single sinkpad (which will be requested if necessary) and a single srcpad.
  • This asset has a GStreamer bin-description as ID and is able to determine to what track type the effect should be used in.
  • The effect will be applied on the sources that have lower priorities (higher number) between the inpoint and the end of it.
  • A glib::Object that implements the Extractable interface can be extracted from a Asset using AssetExt::extract().
  • Base class for timeline data serialization and deserialization.
  • A Group controls one or more Container-s (usually Clip-s, but it can also control other Group-s). Its children must share the same Timeline, but can otherwise lie in separate Layer-s and have different timings.
  • ImageSourceDeprecated
    This won’t be used anymore and has been replaced by GESUriSource instead which now plugs an imagefreeze element when ges_uri_source_asset_is_image returns true. Outputs the video stream from a given file as a still frame. The frame chosen will be determined by the in-point property on the track element. For image files, do not set the in-point property.
  • Layer-s are responsible for collecting and ordering Clip-s.
  • A timed MetaContainer object.
  • A Marker can be colored by setting the GES_META_MARKER_COLOR meta.
  • A glib::Object that implements MetaContainer can have metadata set on it, that is data that is unimportant to its function within GES, but may hold some useful information. In particular, MetaContainerExt::set_meta() can be used to store any glib::Value under any generic field (specified by a string key). The same method can also be used to remove the field by passing None. A number of convenience methods are also provided to make it easier to set common value types. The metadata can then be read with MetaContainerExt::meta() and similar convenience methods.
  • MultiFileSourceDeprecated
    Use GESUriSource instead Outputs the video stream from a given image sequence. The start frame chosen will be determined by the in-point property on the track element.
  • Base class for overlays, transitions, and effects
  • Operations are any kind of object that both outputs AND consumes data.
  • Overlays are objects which modify the underlying layer(s).
  • A Pipeline can take an audio-video Timeline and conveniently link its Track-s to an internal playsink element, for preview/playback, and an internal encodebin element, for rendering. You can switch between these modes using GESPipelineExt::set_mode().
  • The various modes a Pipeline can be configured to.
  • The Project is used to control a set of Asset and is a Asset with GES_TYPE_TIMELINE as extractable_type itself. That means that you can extract Timeline from a project as followed:
  • Base class for single-media sources
  • SourceClip-s are clips whose core elements are Source-s.
  • An asset types from which SourceClip will be extracted
  • Useful for testing purposes.
  • Implements
  • Renders text onto the next lower priority stream using textrender.
  • Timeline is the central object for any multimedia timeline.
  • A TimelineElement will have some temporal extent in its corresponding timeline, controlled by its start and duration. This determines when its content will be displayed, or its effect applied, in the timeline. Several objects may overlap within a given Timeline, in which case their priority is used to determine their ordering in the timeline. Priority is mostly handled internally by Layer-s and Clip-s.
  • Renders the given text in the specified font, at specified position, and with the specified background pattern.
  • TitleSource is a GESTimelineElement that implements the notion of titles in GES.
  • A Track acts an output source for a Timeline. Each one essentially provides an additional gst::Pad for the timeline, with restriction-caps capabilities. Internally, a track wraps an nlecomposition filtered by a capsfilter.
  • A TrackElement is a TimelineElement that specifically belongs to a single Track of its timeline. Its start and duration specify its temporal extent in the track. Specifically, a track element wraps some nleobject, such as an nlesource or nleoperation, which can be retrieved with TrackElementExt::nleobject(), and its start, duration, in-point, priority and active properties expose the corresponding nleobject properties. When a track element is added to a track, its nleobject is added to the corresponding nlecomposition that the track wraps.
  • Properties
  • Types of content handled by a track. If the content is not one of AUDIO, VIDEO or TEXT, the user of the Track must set the type to CUSTOM.
  • Base class for media transitions.
  • Creates an object that mixes together the two underlying objects, A and B. The A object is assumed to have a higher prioirity (lower number) than the B object. At the transition in point, only A will be visible, and by the end only B will be visible.
  • Represents all the output streams from a particular uri. It is assumed that the URI points to a file of some type.
  • Properties
  • Asset to create a stream specific Source for a media file.
  • Base class for video sources
  • Children Properties
  • A VideoTrack is a default video Track, with a TrackType::VIDEO track-type and “video/x-raw(ANY)” caps.
  • Properties
  • Children Properties
  • Implements



Type Aliases§