Trait gstreamer_base::subclass::prelude::AggregatorPadImpl

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pub trait AggregatorPadImpl: AggregatorPadImplExt + PadImpl {
    // Provided methods
    fn flush(&self, aggregator: &Aggregator) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError> { ... }
    fn skip_buffer(&self, aggregator: &Aggregator, buffer: &Buffer) -> bool { ... }

Provided Methods§


fn flush(&self, aggregator: &Aggregator) -> Result<FlowSuccess, FlowError>

Optional Called when the pad has received a flush stop, this is the place to flush any information specific to the pad, it allows for individual pads to be flushed while others might not be.


fn skip_buffer(&self, aggregator: &Aggregator, buffer: &Buffer) -> bool

Optional Called before input buffers are queued in the pad, return true if the buffer should be skipped.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
