Struct gstreamer_editing_services::TimelineElement

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pub struct TimelineElement { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

A TimelineElement will have some temporal extent in its corresponding timeline, controlled by its start and duration. This determines when its content will be displayed, or its effect applied, in the timeline. Several objects may overlap within a given Timeline, in which case their priority is used to determine their ordering in the timeline. Priority is mostly handled internally by Layer-s and Clip-s.

A timeline element can have a parent, such as a Clip, which is responsible for controlling its timing.


Elements can be moved around in their timeline by setting their start and duration using TimelineElementExt::set_start() and TimelineElementExt::set_duration(). Additionally, which parts of the underlying content are played in the timeline can be adjusted by setting the in-point using TimelineElementExt::set_inpoint(). The library also provides TimelineElementExt::edit(), with various EditMode-s, which can adjust these properties in a convenient way, as well as introduce similar changes in neighbouring or later elements in the timeline.

However, a timeline may refuse a change in these properties if they would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. See Timeline for its overlap rules.

Additionally, an edit may be refused if it would place one of the timing properties out of bounds (such as a negative time value for start, or having insufficient internal content to last for the desired duration).

§Time Coordinates

There are three main sets of time coordinates to consider when using timeline elements:

  • Timeline coordinates: these are the time coordinates used in the output of the timeline in its Track-s. Each track share the same coordinates, so there is only one set of coordinates for the timeline. These extend indefinitely from 0. The times used for editing (including setting start and duration) use these coordinates, since these define when an element is present and for how long the element lasts for in the timeline.
  • Internal source coordinates: these are the time coordinates used internally at the element’s output. This is only really defined for TrackElement-s, where it refers to time coordinates used at the final source pad of the wrapped gst::Element-s. However, these coordinates may also be used in a Clip in reference to its children. In particular, these are the coordinates used for in-point and max-duration.
  • Internal sink coordinates: these are the time coordinates used internally at the element’s input. A Source has no input, so these would be undefined. Otherwise, for most TrackElement-s these will be the same set of coordinates as the internal source coordinates because the element does not change the timing internally. Only BaseEffect can support elements where these are different. See BaseEffect for more information.

You can determine the timeline time for a given internal source time in a Track in a Clip using ClipExt::timeline_time_from_internal_time(), and vice versa using ClipExt::internal_time_from_timeline_time(), for the purposes of editing and setting timings properties.

§Children Properties

If a timeline element owns another gst::Object and wishes to expose some of its properties, it can do so by registering the property as one of the timeline element’s children properties using TimelineElementExt::add_child_property(). The registered property of the child can then be read and set using the TimelineElementExt::child_property() and TimelineElementExt::set_child_property() methods, respectively. Some sub-classed objects will be created with pre-registered children properties; for example, to expose part of an underlying gst::Element that is used internally. The registered properties can be listed with TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties().

This is an Abstract Base Class, you cannot instantiate it.



The duration that the element is in effect for in the timeline (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine for how long it should output its internal content for. For an operation element, this would determine for how long its effect should be applied to any source content.

Readable | Writeable


The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content).

For example, for a VideoUriSource that references some media file, the “internal content” is the media file data, and the in-point would correspond to some timestamp in the media file. When playing the timeline, and when the element is first reached at timeline-time start, it will begin outputting the data from the timestamp in-point onwards, until it reaches the end of its duration in the timeline.

For elements that have no internal content, this should be kept as 0.

Readable | Writeable


The full duration of internal content that is available (a time difference in nanoseconds using the time coordinates of the internal content).

This will act as a cap on the in-point of the element (which is in the same time coordinates), and will sometimes be used to limit the duration of the element in the timeline.

For example, for a VideoUriSource that references some media file, this would be the length of the media file.

For elements that have no internal content, or whose content is indefinite, this should be kept as GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The name of the element. This should be unique within its timeline.

Readable | Writeable | Construct


The parent container of the element.

Readable | Writeable


The priority of the element.

Readable | Writeable


Whether the element should be serialized.

Readable | Writeable


The starting position of the element in the timeline (in nanoseconds and in the time coordinates of the timeline). For example, for a source element, this would determine the time at which it should start outputting its internal content. For an operation element, this would determine the time at which it should start applying its effect to any source content.

Readable | Writeable


The timeline that the element lies within.

Readable | Writeable



Emitted when the element has a new child property registered. See TimelineElementExt::add_child_property().

Note that some GES elements will be automatically created with pre-registered children properties. You can use TimelineElementExt::list_children_properties() to list these.


Emitted when the element has a child property unregistered. See TimelineElementExt::remove_child_property().


Emitted when a child of the element has one of its registered properties set. See TimelineElementExt::add_child_property(). Note that unlike notify, a child property name can not be used as a signal detail.




This is emitted for a meta container whenever the metadata under one of its fields changes, is set for the first time, or is removed. In the latter case, value will be None.



TimelineElementExt, [trait@glib::ObjectExt], ExtractableExt, MetaContainerExt, [TimelineElementExtManual][trait@crate::prelude::TimelineElementExtManual]

GLib type: GObject with reference counted clone semantics.


Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for TimelineElement


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Makes a clone of this shared reference.

This increments the strong reference count of the object. Dropping the object will decrement it again.

1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for TimelineElement


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl HasParamSpec for TimelineElement


type ParamSpec = ParamSpecObject


type SetValue = TimelineElement

Preferred value to be used as setter for the associated ParamSpec.

type BuilderFn = fn(_: &str) -> ParamSpecObjectBuilder<'_, TimelineElement>


fn param_spec_builder() -> Self::BuilderFn


impl Hash for TimelineElement


fn hash<H>(&self, state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher,

Hashes the memory address of this object.

1.3.0 · source§

fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H)
where H: Hasher, Self: Sized,

Feeds a slice of this type into the given Hasher. Read more

impl Ord for TimelineElement


fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

Comparison for two GObjects.

Compares the memory addresses of the provided objects.

1.21.0 · source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized + PartialOrd,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl ParentClassIs for TimelineElement


impl<OT: ObjectType> PartialEq<OT> for TimelineElement


fn eq(&self, other: &OT) -> bool

Equality for two GObjects.

Two GObjects are equal if their memory addresses are equal.

1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<OT: ObjectType> PartialOrd<OT> for TimelineElement


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &OT) -> Option<Ordering>

Partial comparison for two GObjects.

Compares the memory addresses of the provided objects.

1.0.0 · source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl StaticType for TimelineElement


fn static_type() -> Type

Returns the type identifier of Self.

impl Eq for TimelineElement


impl IsA<Extractable> for TimelineElement


impl IsA<MetaContainer> for TimelineElement


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for AudioSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for AudioTestSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for AudioTransition


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for AudioUriSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for BaseEffect


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for BaseEffectClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for BaseTransitionClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Clip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Container


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Effect


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for EffectClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Group


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for ImageSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for MultiFileSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Operation


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for OperationClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for OverlayClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Source


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for SourceClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TestClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TextOverlay


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TextOverlayClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TitleClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TitleSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TrackElement


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for Transition


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for TransitionClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for UriClip


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for VideoSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for VideoTestSource


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for VideoTransition


impl IsA<TimelineElement> for VideoUriSource

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> Cast for T
where T: ObjectType,


fn upcast<T>(self) -> T
where T: ObjectType, Self: IsA<T>,

Upcasts an object to a superclass or interface T. Read more

fn upcast_ref<T>(&self) -> &T
where T: ObjectType, Self: IsA<T>,

Upcasts an object to a reference of its superclass or interface T. Read more

fn downcast<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
where T: ObjectType, Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,

Tries to downcast to a subclass or interface implementor T. Read more

fn downcast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: ObjectType, Self: MayDowncastTo<T>,

Tries to downcast to a reference of its subclass or interface implementor T. Read more

fn dynamic_cast<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
where T: ObjectType,

Tries to cast to an object of type T. This handles upcasting, downcasting and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at runtime, while upcast will do many checks at compile-time already. downcast will perform the same checks at runtime as dynamic_cast, but will also ensure some amount of compile-time safety. Read more

fn dynamic_cast_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
where T: ObjectType,

Tries to cast to reference to an object of type T. This handles upcasting, downcasting and casting between interface and interface implementors. All checks are performed at runtime, while downcast and upcast will do many checks at compile-time already. Read more

unsafe fn unsafe_cast<T>(self) -> T
where T: ObjectType,

Casts to T unconditionally. Read more

unsafe fn unsafe_cast_ref<T>(&self) -> &T
where T: ObjectType,

Casts to &T unconditionally. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


default unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<O> ExtractableExt for O
where O: IsA<Extractable>,


fn asset(&self) -> Option<Asset>

Get the asset that has been set on the extractable object. Read more

fn id(&self) -> GString

Gets the id of some associated asset. It may be the case that the object has no set asset, or even that such an asset does not yet exist in the GES cache. Instead, this will return the asset id that is compatible with the current state of the object, as determined by the Extractable implementer. If it was indeed extracted from an asset, this should return the same as its corresponding asset id. Read more

fn set_asset(&self, asset: &impl IsA<Asset>) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets the asset for this extractable object. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const GList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(_: *const GList, _: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(_: *const GList, _: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GPtrArray> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const GPtrArray, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec( _: *const GPtrArray, _: usize, ) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(_: *const GPtrArray, _: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GSList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *const GSList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(_: *const GSList, _: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(_: *const GSList, _: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GPtrArray> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GPtrArray, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec( ptr: *mut GPtrArray, num: usize, ) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GPtrArray, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GSList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_num_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList, num: usize) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *const GList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(_: *const GList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(_: *const GList) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GPtrArray> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *const GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(_: *const GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(_: *const GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *const GSList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *const GSList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(_: *const GSList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(_: *const GSList) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut GList) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GPtrArray> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut GPtrArray) -> Vec<T>


impl<T> FromGlibPtrArrayContainerAsVec<<T as GlibPtrDefault>::GlibType, *mut GSList> for T


unsafe fn from_glib_none_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_container_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList) -> Vec<T>


unsafe fn from_glib_full_as_vec(ptr: *mut GSList) -> Vec<T>


impl<O> GObjectExtManualGst for O
where O: IsA<Object>,


fn set_property_from_str(&self, name: &str, value: &str)


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoClosureReturnValue for T
where T: Into<Value>,


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<U> IsSubclassableExt for U


impl<O> MetaContainerExt for O
where O: IsA<MetaContainer>,


fn add_metas_from_string(&self, str: &str) -> bool

Deserializes the given string, and adds and sets the found fields and their values on the container. The string should be the return of metas_to_string(). Read more

fn check_meta_registered(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<(MetaFlag, Type)>

Checks whether the specified field has been registered as static, and gets the registered type and flags of the field, as used in register_meta() and register_static_meta(). Read more

fn foreach<P: FnMut(&MetaContainer, &str, &Value)>(&self, func: P)

Calls the given function on each of the meta container’s set metadata fields. Read more

fn boolean(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<bool>

Gets the current boolean value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn date(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<Date>

Gets the current date value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn date_time(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<DateTime>

Gets the current date time value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn double(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<f64>

Gets the current double value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn float(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<f32>

Gets the current float value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn int(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<i32>

Gets the current int value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn int64(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<i64>

Gets the current int64 value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn marker_list(&self, key: &str) -> Option<MarkerList>

Gets the current marker list value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn meta(&self, key: &str) -> Option<Value>

Gets the current value of the specified field of the meta container. Read more

fn string(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<GString>

Gets the current string value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn uint(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<u32>

Gets the current uint value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn uint64(&self, meta_item: &str) -> Option<u64>

Gets the current uint64 value of the specified field of the meta container. If the field does not have a set value, or it is of the wrong type, the method will fail. Read more

fn metas_to_string(&self) -> GString

Serializes the set metadata fields of the meta container to a string. Read more

fn register_meta(&self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: &Value) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given value, and registers the field to only hold a value of the same type. After calling this, only values of the same type as value can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_boolean( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: bool, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given boolean value, and registers the field to only hold a boolean typed value. After calling this, only boolean values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_date( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: &Date, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given date value, and registers the field to only hold a date typed value. After calling this, only date values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_date_time( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: &DateTime, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given date time value, and registers the field to only hold a date time typed value. After calling this, only date time values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_double( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: f64, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given double value, and registers the field to only hold a double typed value. After calling this, only double values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_float( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: f32, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given float value, and registers the field to only hold a float typed value. After calling this, only float values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_int( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: i32, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given int value, and registers the field to only hold an int typed value. After calling this, only int values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_int64( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: i64, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given int64 value, and registers the field to only hold an int64 typed value. After calling this, only int64 values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_string( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: &str, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given string value, and registers the field to only hold a string typed value. After calling this, only string values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_uint( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: u32, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given uint value, and registers the field to only hold a uint typed value. After calling this, only uint values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_meta_uint64( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, value: u64, ) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given uint64 value, and registers the field to only hold a uint64 typed value. After calling this, only uint64 values can be set for this field. The given flags can be set to make this field only readable after calling this method. Read more

fn register_static_meta( &self, flags: MetaFlag, meta_item: &str, type_: Type, ) -> bool

Registers a static metadata field on the container to only hold the specified type. After calling this, setting a value under this field can only succeed if its type matches the registered type of the field. Read more

fn set_boolean(&self, meta_item: &str, value: bool) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given boolean value. Read more

fn set_date(&self, meta_item: &str, value: &Date) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given date value. Read more

fn set_date_time(&self, meta_item: &str, value: &DateTime) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given date time value. Read more

fn set_double(&self, meta_item: &str, value: f64) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given double value. Read more

fn set_float(&self, meta_item: &str, value: f32) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given float value. Read more

fn set_int(&self, meta_item: &str, value: i32) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given int value. Read more

fn set_int64(&self, meta_item: &str, value: i64) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given int64 value. Read more

fn set_marker_list(&self, meta_item: &str, list: &MarkerList) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given marker list value. Read more

fn set_meta(&self, meta_item: &str, value: Option<&Value>) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to a copy of the given value. If the given value is None, the field given by meta_item is removed and true is returned. Read more

fn set_string(&self, meta_item: &str, value: &str) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given string value. Read more

fn set_uint(&self, meta_item: &str, value: u32) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given uint value. Read more

fn set_uint64(&self, meta_item: &str, value: u64) -> bool

Sets the value of the specified field of the meta container to the given uint64 value. Read more

fn connect_notify_meta<F: Fn(&Self, &str, Option<&Value>) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

This is emitted for a meta container whenever the metadata under one of its fields changes, is set for the first time, or is removed. In the latter case, value will be None. Read more

impl<T> ObjectExt for T
where T: ObjectType,


fn is<U>(&self) -> bool
where U: StaticType,

Returns true if the object is an instance of (can be cast to) T.

fn type_(&self) -> Type

Returns the type of the object.

fn object_class(&self) -> &Class<Object>

Returns the ObjectClass of the object. Read more

fn class(&self) -> &Class<T>
where T: IsClass,

Returns the class of the object.

fn class_of<U>(&self) -> Option<&Class<U>>
where U: IsClass,

Returns the class of the object in the given type T. Read more

fn interface<U>(&self) -> Option<InterfaceRef<'_, U>>
where U: IsInterface,

Returns the interface T of the object. Read more

fn set_property(&self, property_name: &str, value: impl Into<Value>)

Sets the property property_name of the object to value value. Read more

fn set_property_from_value(&self, property_name: &str, value: &Value)

Sets the property property_name of the object to value value. Read more

fn set_properties(&self, property_values: &[(&str, &dyn ToValue)])

Sets multiple properties of the object at once. Read more

fn set_properties_from_value(&self, property_values: &[(&str, Value)])

Sets multiple properties of the object at once. Read more

fn property<V>(&self, property_name: &str) -> V
where V: for<'b> FromValue<'b> + 'static,

Gets the property property_name of the object and cast it to the type V. Read more

fn property_value(&self, property_name: &str) -> Value

Gets the property property_name of the object. Read more

fn has_property(&self, property_name: &str, type_: Option<Type>) -> bool

Check if the object has a property property_name of the given type_. Read more

fn property_type(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Type>

Get the type of the property property_name of this object. Read more

fn find_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<ParamSpec>

Get the ParamSpec of the property property_name of this object.

fn list_properties(&self) -> PtrSlice<ParamSpec>

Return all ParamSpec of the properties of this object.

fn freeze_notify(&self) -> PropertyNotificationFreezeGuard

Freeze all property notifications until the return guard object is dropped. Read more

unsafe fn set_qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark, value: QD)
where QD: 'static,

Set arbitrary data on this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<NonNull<QD>>
where QD: 'static,

Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn steal_qdata<QD>(&self, key: Quark) -> Option<QD>
where QD: 'static,

Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn set_data<QD>(&self, key: &str, value: QD)
where QD: 'static,

Set arbitrary data on this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn data<QD>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<NonNull<QD>>
where QD: 'static,

Return previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

unsafe fn steal_data<QD>(&self, key: &str) -> Option<QD>
where QD: 'static,

Retrieve previously set arbitrary data of this object with the given key. Read more

fn block_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId)

Block a given signal handler. Read more

fn unblock_signal(&self, handler_id: &SignalHandlerId)

Unblock a given signal handler.

fn stop_signal_emission(&self, signal_id: SignalId, detail: Option<Quark>)

Stop emission of the currently emitted signal.

fn stop_signal_emission_by_name(&self, signal_name: &str)

Stop emission of the currently emitted signal by the (possibly detailed) signal name.

fn connect<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn connect_local<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_local_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value> + 'static,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_unsafe<F>( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,

Connect to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_unsafe_id<F>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, callback: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&[Value]) -> Option<Value>,

Connect to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn connect_closure( &self, signal_name: &str, after: bool, closure: RustClosure, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Connect a closure to the signal signal_name on this object. Read more

fn connect_closure_id( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Option<Quark>, after: bool, closure: RustClosure, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Connect a closure to the signal signal_id on this object. Read more

fn watch_closure(&self, closure: &impl AsRef<Closure>)

Limits the lifetime of closure to the lifetime of the object. When the object’s reference count drops to zero, the closure will be invalidated. An invalidated closure will ignore any calls to invoke_with_values, or invoke when using Rust closures.

fn emit<R>(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R

Emit signal by signal id. Read more

fn emit_with_values(&self, signal_id: SignalId, args: &[Value]) -> Option<Value>

Same as Self::emit but takes Value for the arguments.

fn emit_by_name<R>(&self, signal_name: &str, args: &[&dyn ToValue]) -> R

Emit signal by its name. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_values( &self, signal_name: &str, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by its name. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_details<R>( &self, signal_name: &str, details: Quark, args: &[&dyn ToValue], ) -> R

Emit signal by its name with details. Read more

fn emit_by_name_with_details_and_values( &self, signal_name: &str, details: Quark, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by its name with details. Read more

fn emit_with_details<R>( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Quark, args: &[&dyn ToValue], ) -> R

Emit signal by signal id with details. Read more

fn emit_with_details_and_values( &self, signal_id: SignalId, details: Quark, args: &[Value], ) -> Option<Value>

Emit signal by signal id with details. Read more

fn disconnect(&self, handler_id: SignalHandlerId)

Disconnect a previously connected signal handler.

fn connect_notify<F>(&self, name: Option<&str>, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec) + Send + Sync + 'static,

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

fn connect_notify_local<F>(&self, name: Option<&str>, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec) + 'static,

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

unsafe fn connect_notify_unsafe<F>( &self, name: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId
where F: Fn(&T, &ParamSpec),

Connect to the notify signal of the object. Read more

fn notify(&self, property_name: &str)

Notify that the given property has changed its value. Read more

fn notify_by_pspec(&self, pspec: &ParamSpec)

Notify that the given property has changed its value. Read more

fn downgrade(&self) -> WeakRef<T>

Downgrade this object to a weak reference.

fn add_weak_ref_notify<F>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T>
where F: FnOnce() + Send + 'static,

Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed.

fn add_weak_ref_notify_local<F>(&self, f: F) -> WeakRefNotify<T>
where F: FnOnce() + 'static,

Add a callback to be notified when the Object is disposed. Read more

fn bind_property<'a, 'f, 't, O>( &'a self, source_property: &'a str, target: &'a O, target_property: &'a str, ) -> BindingBuilder<'a, 'f, 't>
where O: ObjectType,

Bind property source_property on this object to the target_property on the target object. Read more

fn ref_count(&self) -> u32

Returns the strong reference count of this object.

unsafe fn run_dispose(&self)

Runs the dispose mechanism of the object. Read more

impl<T> Property for T
where T: HasParamSpec,


type Value = T


impl<T> PropertyGet for T
where T: HasParamSpec,


type Value = T


fn get<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> R
where F: Fn(&<T as PropertyGet>::Value) -> R,


impl<T> StaticTypeExt for T
where T: StaticType,


fn ensure_type()

Ensures that the type has been registered with the type system.

impl<O> TimelineElementExt for O
where O: IsA<TimelineElement>,


fn add_child_property( &self, pspec: impl AsRef<ParamSpec>, child: &impl IsA<Object>, ) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Register a property of a child of the element to allow it to be written with set_child_property() and read with child_property(). A change in the property will also appear in the deep-notify signal. Read more

fn copy(&self, deep: bool) -> TimelineElement


fn edit( &self, layers: &[Layer], new_layer_priority: i64, mode: EditMode, edge: Edge, position: u64, ) -> bool

See edit_full(), which also gives an error. Read more

fn edit_full( &self, new_layer_priority: i64, mode: EditMode, edge: Edge, position: u64, ) -> Result<(), Error>

Edits the element within its timeline by adjusting its start, duration or in-point, and potentially doing the same for other elements in the timeline. See EditMode for details about each edit mode. An edit may fail if it would place one of these properties out of bounds, or if it would place the timeline in an unsupported configuration. Read more

fn child_property(&self, property_name: &str) -> Option<Value>

Gets the property of a child of the element. Read more

fn child_property_by_pspec(&self, pspec: impl AsRef<ParamSpec>) -> Value

Gets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property corresponding to the pspec used in add_child_property() is copied into value. Read more

fn duration(&self) -> ClockTime

Gets the duration for the element. Read more

fn inpoint(&self) -> ClockTime

Gets the in-point for the element. Read more

fn layer_priority(&self) -> u32

Gets the priority of the layer the element is in. A Group may span several layers, so this would return the highest priority (numerically, the smallest) amongst them. Read more

fn max_duration(&self) -> Option<ClockTime>

Gets the max-duration for the element. Read more

fn name(&self) -> Option<GString>

Gets the name for the element. Read more

fn natural_framerate(&self) -> Option<(i32, i32)>

Get the “natural” framerate of self. This is to say, for example for a VideoUriSource the framerate of the source. Read more

fn parent(&self) -> Option<TimelineElement>

Gets the parent for the element. Read more

fn priority(&self) -> u32

Gets the priority for the element. Read more

fn start(&self) -> ClockTime

Gets the start for the element. Read more

fn timeline(&self) -> Option<Timeline>

Gets the timeline for the element. Read more

fn toplevel_parent(&self) -> TimelineElement

Gets the toplevel parent of the element. Read more

fn track_types(&self) -> TrackType

Gets the track types that the element can interact with, i.e. the type of Track it can exist in, or will create TrackElement-s for. Read more

fn list_children_properties(&self) -> Vec<ParamSpec>

Get a list of children properties of the element, which is a list of all the specifications passed to add_child_property(). Read more

fn lookup_child(&self, prop_name: &str) -> Option<(Object, ParamSpec)>

Looks up a child property of the element. Read more

fn paste(&self, paste_position: ClockTime) -> Result<TimelineElement, BoolError>

Paste an element inside the same timeline and layer as self. self must be the return of ges_timeline_element_copy() with deep=TRUE, and it should not be changed before pasting. self is not placed in the timeline, instead a new element is created, alike to the originally copied element. Note that the originally copied element must stay within the same timeline and layer, at both the point of copying and pasting. Read more

fn remove_child_property( &self, pspec: impl AsRef<ParamSpec>, ) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Remove a child property from the element. pspec should be a specification that was passed to add_child_property(). The corresponding property will no longer be registered as a child property for the element. Read more

fn ripple(&self, start: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode. See edit() with EditMode::Ripple and Edge::None. Read more

fn ripple_end(&self, end: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in ripple mode. See edit() with EditMode::Ripple and Edge::End. Read more

fn roll_end(&self, end: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Edits the end time of an element within its timeline in roll mode. See edit() with EditMode::Roll and Edge::End. Read more

fn roll_start(&self, start: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in roll mode. See edit() with EditMode::Roll and Edge::Start. Read more

fn set_child_property( &self, property_name: &str, value: &Value, ) -> Result<(), BoolError>

See set_child_property_full(), which also gives an error. Read more

fn set_child_property_by_pspec( &self, pspec: impl AsRef<ParamSpec>, value: &Value, )

Sets the property of a child of the element. Specifically, the property corresponding to the pspec used in add_child_property() is set to value. Read more

fn set_child_property_full( &self, property_name: &str, value: &Value, ) -> Result<(), Error>

Sets the property of a child of the element. Read more

fn set_duration(&self, duration: impl Into<Option<ClockTime>>) -> bool

Sets duration for the element. Read more

fn set_inpoint(&self, inpoint: ClockTime) -> bool

Sets in-point for the element. If the new in-point is above the current max-duration of the element, this method will fail. Read more

fn set_max_duration(&self, maxduration: impl Into<Option<ClockTime>>) -> bool

Sets max-duration for the element. If the new maximum duration is below the current in-point of the element, this method will fail. Read more

fn set_name(&self, name: Option<&str>) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets the name for the element. If None is given for name, then the library will instead generate a new name based on the type name of the element, such as the name “uriclip3” for a UriClip, and will set that name instead. Read more

fn set_parent( &self, parent: &impl IsA<TimelineElement>, ) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets the parent for the element. Read more

fn set_priority(&self, priority: u32) -> bool

👎Deprecated: Since 1.10
Sets the priority of the element within the containing layer. Read more

fn set_start(&self, start: ClockTime) -> bool

Sets start for the element. If the element has a parent, this will also move its siblings with the same shift. Read more

fn set_timeline(&self, timeline: &impl IsA<Timeline>) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Sets the timeline of the element. Read more

fn trim(&self, start: ClockTime) -> Result<(), BoolError>

Edits the start time of an element within its timeline in trim mode. See edit() with EditMode::Trim and Edge::Start. Read more

fn in_point(&self) -> u64

The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content). Read more

fn set_in_point(&self, in_point: u64)

The initial offset to use internally when outputting content (in nanoseconds, but in the time coordinates of the internal content). Read more

fn is_serialize(&self) -> bool

Whether the element should be serialized.

fn set_serialize(&self, serialize: bool)

Whether the element should be serialized.

fn connect_child_property_added<F: Fn(&Self, &Object, &ParamSpec) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Emitted when the element has a new child property registered. See add_child_property(). Read more

fn connect_child_property_removed<F: Fn(&Self, &Object, &ParamSpec) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Emitted when the element has a child property unregistered. See remove_child_property(). Read more

fn connect_deep_notify<F: Fn(&Self, &Object, &ParamSpec) + 'static>( &self, detail: Option<&str>, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Emitted when a child of the element has one of its registered properties set. See add_child_property(). Note that unlike notify, a child property name can not be used as a signal detail. Read more

fn connect_duration_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_in_point_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_max_duration_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_name_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_parent_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_priority_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

👎Deprecated: Since 1.10

fn connect_serialize_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_start_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>(&self, f: F) -> SignalHandlerId


fn connect_timeline_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T> TransparentType for T


impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> TryFromClosureReturnValue for T
where T: for<'a> FromValue<'a> + StaticType + 'static,


impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<'a, T, C, E> FromValueOptional<'a> for T
where T: FromValue<'a, Checker = C>, C: ValueTypeChecker<Error = ValueTypeMismatchOrNoneError<E>>, E: Error + Send + 'static,


impl<Super, Sub> MayDowncastTo<Sub> for Super
where Super: IsA<Super>, Sub: IsA<Super>,