Trait gstreamer_base::prelude::BaseParseExt

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pub trait BaseParseExt: IsA<BaseParse> + Sealed + 'static {
Show 15 methods // Provided methods fn add_index_entry( &self, offset: u64, ts: ClockTime, key: bool, force: bool, ) -> bool { ... } fn drain(&self) { ... } fn merge_tags(&self, tags: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode) { ... } fn set_average_bitrate(&self, bitrate: u32) { ... } fn set_has_timing_info(&self, has_timing: bool) { ... } fn set_infer_ts(&self, infer_ts: bool) { ... } fn set_latency( &self, min_latency: ClockTime, max_latency: impl Into<Option<ClockTime>>, ) { ... } fn set_min_frame_size(&self, min_size: u32) { ... } fn set_passthrough(&self, passthrough: bool) { ... } fn set_pts_interpolation(&self, pts_interpolate: bool) { ... } fn set_syncable(&self, syncable: bool) { ... } fn set_ts_at_offset(&self, offset: usize) { ... } fn is_disable_passthrough(&self) -> bool { ... } fn set_disable_passthrough(&self, disable_passthrough: bool) { ... } fn connect_disable_passthrough_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId { ... }
Expand description

Trait containing all BaseParse methods.



Provided Methods§


fn add_index_entry( &self, offset: u64, ts: ClockTime, key: bool, force: bool, ) -> bool

Adds an entry to the index associating offset to ts. It is recommended to only add keyframe entries. force allows to bypass checks, such as whether the stream is (upstream) seekable, another entry is already “close” to the new entry, etc.


offset of entry


timestamp associated with offset


whether entry refers to keyframe


add entry disregarding sanity checks


gboolean indicating whether entry was added


fn drain(&self)

Drains the adapter until it is empty. It decreases the min_frame_size to match the current adapter size and calls chain method until the adapter is emptied or chain returns with error.


fn merge_tags(&self, tags: Option<&TagList>, mode: TagMergeMode)

Sets the parser subclass’s tags and how they should be merged with any upstream stream tags. This will override any tags previously-set with merge_tags().

Note that this is provided for convenience, and the subclass is not required to use this and can still do tag handling on its own.


a gst::TagList to merge, or NULL to unset previously-set tags


the gst::TagMergeMode to use, usually gst::TagMergeMode::Replace


fn set_average_bitrate(&self, bitrate: u32)

Optionally sets the average bitrate detected in media (if non-zero), e.g. based on metadata, as it will be posted to the application.

By default, announced average bitrate is estimated. The average bitrate is used to estimate the total duration of the stream and to estimate a seek position, if there’s no index and the format is syncable (see set_syncable()).


average bitrate in bits/second


fn set_has_timing_info(&self, has_timing: bool)

Set if frames carry timing information which the subclass can (generally) parse and provide. In particular, intrinsic (rather than estimated) time can be obtained following a seek.


whether frames carry timing information


fn set_infer_ts(&self, infer_ts: bool)

By default, the base class might try to infer PTS from DTS and vice versa. While this is generally correct for audio data, it may not be otherwise. Sub-classes implementing such formats should disable timestamp inferring.


true if parser should infer DTS/PTS from each other


fn set_latency( &self, min_latency: ClockTime, max_latency: impl Into<Option<ClockTime>>, )

Sets the minimum and maximum (which may likely be equal) latency introduced by the parsing process. If there is such a latency, which depends on the particular parsing of the format, it typically corresponds to 1 frame duration.

If the provided values changed from previously provided ones, this will also post a LATENCY message on the bus so the pipeline can reconfigure its global latency.


minimum parse latency


maximum parse latency


fn set_min_frame_size(&self, min_size: u32)

Subclass can use this function to tell the base class that it needs to be given buffers of at least min_size bytes.


Minimum size in bytes of the data that this base class should give to subclass.


fn set_passthrough(&self, passthrough: bool)

Set if the nature of the format or configuration does not allow (much) parsing, and the parser should operate in passthrough mode (which only applies when operating in push mode). That is, incoming buffers are pushed through unmodified, i.e. no GstBaseParseClass::handle_frame will be invoked, but GstBaseParseClass::pre_push_frame will still be invoked, so subclass can perform as much or as little is appropriate for passthrough semantics in GstBaseParseClass::pre_push_frame.


true if parser should run in passthrough mode


fn set_pts_interpolation(&self, pts_interpolate: bool)

By default, the base class will guess PTS timestamps using a simple interpolation (previous timestamp + duration), which is incorrect for data streams with reordering, where PTS can go backward. Sub-classes implementing such formats should disable PTS interpolation.


true if parser should interpolate PTS timestamps


fn set_syncable(&self, syncable: bool)

Set if frame starts can be identified. This is set by default and determines whether seeking based on bitrate averages is possible for a format/stream.


set if frame starts can be identified


fn set_ts_at_offset(&self, offset: usize)

This function should only be called from a handle_frame implementation.

BaseParse creates initial timestamps for frames by using the last timestamp seen in the stream before the frame starts. In certain cases, the correct timestamps will occur in the stream after the start of the frame, but before the start of the actual picture data. This function can be used to set the timestamps based on the offset into the frame data that the picture starts.


offset into current buffer


fn is_disable_passthrough(&self) -> bool

If set to true, baseparse will unconditionally force parsing of the incoming data. This can be required in the rare cases where the incoming side-data (caps, pts, dts, …) is not trusted by the user and wants to force validation and parsing of the incoming data. If set to false, decision of whether to parse the data or not is up to the implementation (standard behaviour).


fn set_disable_passthrough(&self, disable_passthrough: bool)

If set to true, baseparse will unconditionally force parsing of the incoming data. This can be required in the rare cases where the incoming side-data (caps, pts, dts, …) is not trusted by the user and wants to force validation and parsing of the incoming data. If set to false, decision of whether to parse the data or not is up to the implementation (standard behaviour).


fn connect_disable_passthrough_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>( &self, f: F, ) -> SignalHandlerId

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
