1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
// This file was generated by gir (
// from gir-files (
// from gst-gir-files (
use crate::{ffi, AudioAggregatorPad};
use glib::{
signal::{connect_raw, SignalHandlerId},
use std::boxed::Box as Box_;
glib::wrapper! {
/// An implementation of GstPad that can be used with [`AudioAggregator`][crate::AudioAggregator].
/// See [`AudioAggregator`][crate::AudioAggregator] for more details.
/// ## Properties
/// #### `converter-config`
/// Readable | Writeable
/// <details><summary><h4>AudioAggregatorPad</h4></summary>
/// #### `qos-messages`
/// Emit QoS messages when dropping buffers.
/// Readable | Writeable
/// </details>
/// <details><summary><h4>AggregatorPad</h4></summary>
/// #### `emit-signals`
/// Enables the emission of signals such as [`buffer-consumed`][struct@crate::gst_base::AggregatorPad#buffer-consumed]
/// Readable | Writeable
/// </details>
/// <details><summary><h4>Pad</h4></summary>
/// #### `caps`
/// Readable
/// #### `direction`
/// Readable | Writeable | Construct Only
/// #### `offset`
/// The offset that will be applied to the running time of the pad.
/// Readable | Writeable
/// #### `template`
/// Readable | Writeable
/// </details>
/// <details><summary><h4>Object</h4></summary>
/// #### `name`
/// Readable | Writeable | Construct
/// #### `parent`
/// The parent of the object. Please note, that when changing the 'parent'
/// property, we don't emit [`notify`][struct@crate::glib::Object#notify] and [`deep-notify`][struct@crate::gst::Object#deep-notify]
/// signals due to locking issues. In some cases one can use
/// `GstBin::element-added` or `GstBin::element-removed` signals on the parent to
/// achieve a similar effect.
/// Readable | Writeable
/// </details>
/// # Implements
/// [`AudioAggregatorConvertPadExt`][trait@crate::prelude::AudioAggregatorConvertPadExt], [`AudioAggregatorPadExt`][trait@crate::prelude::AudioAggregatorPadExt], [`trait@gst_base::prelude::AggregatorPadExt`], [`trait@gst::prelude::GstObjectExt`], [`trait@glib::ObjectExt`]
#[doc(alias = "GstAudioAggregatorConvertPad")]
pub struct AudioAggregatorConvertPad(Object<ffi::GstAudioAggregatorConvertPad, ffi::GstAudioAggregatorConvertPadClass>) @extends AudioAggregatorPad, gst_base::AggregatorPad, gst::Object;
match fn {
type_ => || ffi::gst_audio_aggregator_convert_pad_get_type(),
impl AudioAggregatorConvertPad {
pub const NONE: Option<&'static AudioAggregatorConvertPad> = None;
unsafe impl Send for AudioAggregatorConvertPad {}
unsafe impl Sync for AudioAggregatorConvertPad {}
/// Trait containing all [`struct@AudioAggregatorConvertPad`] methods.
/// # Implementors
/// [`AudioAggregatorConvertPad`][struct@crate::AudioAggregatorConvertPad]
pub trait AudioAggregatorConvertPadExt: IsA<AudioAggregatorConvertPad> + 'static {
//#[doc(alias = "converter-config")]
//fn converter_config(&self) -> /*Ignored*/Option<gst::Structure> {
// ObjectExt::property(self.as_ref(), "converter-config")
//#[doc(alias = "converter-config")]
//fn set_converter_config(&self, converter_config: /*Ignored*/Option<&gst::Structure>) {
// ObjectExt::set_property(self.as_ref(),"converter-config", converter_config)
#[doc(alias = "converter-config")]
fn connect_converter_config_notify<F: Fn(&Self) + Send + Sync + 'static>(
f: F,
) -> SignalHandlerId {
unsafe extern "C" fn notify_converter_config_trampoline<
P: IsA<AudioAggregatorConvertPad>,
F: Fn(&P) + Send + Sync + 'static,
this: *mut ffi::GstAudioAggregatorConvertPad,
_param_spec: glib::ffi::gpointer,
f: glib::ffi::gpointer,
) {
let f: &F = &*(f as *const F);
unsafe {
let f: Box_<F> = Box_::new(f);
self.as_ptr() as *mut _,
b"notify::converter-config\0".as_ptr() as *const _,
Some(std::mem::transmute::<*const (), unsafe extern "C" fn()>(
notify_converter_config_trampoline::<Self, F> as *const (),
impl<O: IsA<AudioAggregatorConvertPad>> AudioAggregatorConvertPadExt for O {}